Granite Stone

10 Oct, 2024

Granite Stone

5 Popular Types of Granite in India

Granite, a beautiful natural stone, is recognized as one of the hardest substances globally, with a Mohs scale rating of 6-7. This igneous rock has been around humans for centuries. Be it construction or decor, granite caters to everything, and the outcome does not fail to captivate all eyes. The stone’s beauty primarily lies in […]

10 Jul, 2024

Granite Stone

Choose the Best Granite Countertop and Backsplash for Your Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most used areas of your space. As a result, choosing all the elements carefully is essential. This is particularly true when selecting granite countertops and backsplash, both of which significantly contribute to the visual appearance and functionality of the kitchen. While selecting both goes hand-in-hand, many people often face […]

09 Feb, 2024

Granite Stone

Debunking Popular Misconceptions About Granite Counterto

Granite countertops have long been popular for their beauty, durability, strength, functionality, hardness, and whatnot! But, with popularity comes clouds of misconceptions, and as a leading granite tiles manufacturer in the country, we are here with a blog debunking all your granite countertop myths. Popular Granite/Granite Countertop Myths Granite is Not Affordable Well, we wouldn’t […]

02 Oct, 2023

Granite Stone

Granite Countertops: Characteristics and Maintenance

Granite, a natural masterpiece, is an igneous rock that has captivated humans for centuries. Thanks to its beauty, durability, and other properties, this stone has been used for a range of outdoor and indoor applications, especially bathroom and kitchen countertops. As one of India’s leading natural stone slab suppliers, we know granite countertops’ capabilities, but […]

31 Jul, 2023

Granite Stone

6 Reasons to Choose Granite Stairs for Your Hardscape Design

Granite, a beautiful natural stone, is known to stand the test of time. This light-colored rock, mostly formed in mountainous regions, comprises potassium feldspar, quartz grains, and sodium feldspar. It is not uncommon for you to note granite bathroom or kitchen countertops because of their longevity, strength, and beauty. Granite, as a versatile stone, is […]
